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regexp, email. JS14800Регулярное выражение для проверки email
/^(https?://)?([da-z.-]+).([a-z.]{2,6})([/w .-]*)*/?$/
regexp, url, JS1300Регулярное выражение для проверки URL
regexp19010Заменить строки, где loc оканчивается без слэша в файле sitemap.xml
<input type="tel" name="phone" class="form-control form-block" placeholder="+7(999)999-99-99" pattern="[+]d{1}[(]d{3}[)]d{4}[-]d{2}[-]d{2}" value="">
html, phone, pattern, regex160Regex паттерн для проверки номера телефона. Пример html валидации
Character	Meaning	Example
.	Matches any single character	– c.t will match cat, cot, cut, etc.
+	Repeats the previous match one or more times – a+ matches a, aa, aaa, etc
*	Repeats the previous match zero or more times. – a* matches all the same things a+ matches, but will also match an empty string.
?	Makes the match optional.	colou?r will match color and colour.
^	Called an anchor, matches the beginning of the string	^a matches a string that begins with a
$	The other anchor, this matches the end of the string.	a$ matches a string that ends with a.
( )	Groups several characters into a single unit, and captures a match for use in a backreference.	(ab)+ matches ababab - that is, the + applies to the group. For more on backreferences see below.
[ ]	A character class - matches one of the characters	c[uoa]t matches cut, cot or cat.
[^ ]	Negative character class - matches any character not specified	c[^/]t matches cat or c=t but not c/t
регулярные выражения, regexp10Значения символов регулярного выражения